Authentic Beef Dry Salami, Evreyskaya Sausage 1.5 lb. Highest quality beef mixed with freshly gr..
Classic Smoked Salami, Servelat Sausage approx. 2.2 lb. Made of ground beef and pork, soft texture..
Dry Aged Beef & Pork Salami, Tverskaya Sausage1.5 lb. Beef & Pork salami made with unique ..
Beef Salami, Evreyskaya Osobaya Sausage approx. 2.2 lb. Marbled beef texture and distinctive flavo..
Domestic Dry Aged Pork Salami, Old Kiev Sausage approx. 1.5 lb. 100% pork salami, blended with por..
The process of salting and maturing cured products is very long taking from 3 months to one year. ..
Delicious uncured dry salami made with beef, freshly ground spices using our house Old Word Recipe..
Classic Beef salami with Beef, made according to the best time honored traditions.Based on the ori..
Dry all beef salami speckled with just right amount pork fat and gently laced with maple wood smok..